“Residual Forms” — one of the 10 best EPs from 2014 by 5:4

Monty Adkins’ work continues to plough increasingly deep furrows into material at the meeting point of ambient and experimental electronics. The results are uniformly beautiful, and this short piece is no exception, slow shifting chords and clouds matched by episodes of more blistered music, positioned with Adkins’ typically unerring skill so as to draw out …

“Residual Forms” reviewed by Chain DLK

Inspired by the psychogeographic method of exploration based on the so-called “drift” – an aimless wondering aroudn the city, exploring its hidden resonances, which lay just beneath the surface -, which got mainly applied to his fascinating wandering in the meander of London by Welsh writer Iain Sinclair, this one-track record by Dr.Monty Adkins delivers …

“Residual Forms” reviewed by Rif Raf

Chouchou de ces pages, le label portugais Crónica nous envoie régulièrement des productions autant recherchées qu’abouties. Court, une seule plage de vingt minutes, ‘Residual Forms’ de MONTY ADKINS est d’autant plus remarquable qu’une discrète beauté l’envahit après chaque seconde. Telle une dérive dans les artères d’une cité apaisée, l’œuvre de l’électroacousticien britannique s’imprègne d’une splendide …

“Residual Forms” reviewed by Kinda Muzik

Trek de deur achter je dicht en ga fijn een stukje lopen. Maakt niet uit waarnaartoe. Doelloos in verwondering van wat je tegenkomt. Niet alleen onder je voeten, niet alleen voor je ogen, maar ook en vooral wat je hoort. Vooral ook de geluiden die net onder de oppervlakte van wat je normaliter direct zou …

New release: “Residual Forms” by Monty Adkins

Crónica is very proud to present the new release by Monty Adkins, “Residual Forms”, now available as a free download. Residual Forms by Monty Adkins an urban drift with labyrinthine paths of intoxicating bliss residual forms dance on the retina of one too tired to dream “Residual Forms” is influenced by the psychogeographical notion of …

Mono #2 is now available

Mono #2: Cochlear Poetics: Writings on Music and Sound Arts is a publication of the Research Institute in Art, Design and Society (i2ADS) of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto. This issue of Mono is dedicated to music, sound arts and sound in the arts and media. Guest-edited by Miguel Carvalhais …